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S3 Download

Python module to download objects in an S3 bucket.


pip install s3-downloader


Download objects in parallel

import s3

if __name__ == '__main__':
    wrapper = s3.Downloader(bucket_name='BUCKET_NAME')
    wrapper.run_in_parallel(threads=10)  # Defaults to 5

Download objects in sequence

import s3

if __name__ == '__main__':
    wrapper = s3.Downloader(bucket_name='BUCKET_NAME')

Mandatory arg

  • bucket_name - Name of the s3 bucket.

Optional kwargs

  • prefix - Prefix to filter the objects based on their path. Defaults to None

  • logger - Bring your own custom pre-configured logger. Defaults to on-screen logging.

  • download_dir - Name/path of the directory where the objects have to be stored. Defaults to bucket_name at current working directory.

  • region_name - AWS region name. Defaults to the env var AWS_DEFAULT_REGION

  • profile_name - AWS profile name. Defaults to the env var PROFILE_NAME

  • aws_access_key_id - AWS access key ID. Defaults to the env var AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID

  • aws_secret_access_key - AWS secret access key. Defaults to the env var AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY

AWS values are loaded from env vars or the default config at ~/.aws/config / ~/.aws/credentials

Coding Standards

Docstring format: Google
Styling conventions: PEP 8
Clean code with pre-commit hooks: flake8 and isort

Release Notes


python -m pip install gitverse


gitverse-release reverse -f release_notes.rst -t 'Release Notes'


pre-commit will ensure linting, run pytest, generate runbook & release notes, and validate hyperlinks in ALL markdown files (including Wiki pages)


pip install sphinx==5.1.1 pre-commit recommonmark


pre-commit run --all-files

Pypi Package
